CNC Sinumerik

SINUMERIK CNC systems set productivity benchmarks
In many cases, SINUMERIK CNC is the right choice: 
For example, whenever new, revolutionary concepts are implemented. And, of course,when absolute top productivity is requested for specific machine tool applications. 
SINUMERIK – CNC portfolio for the global world of machine tools.
SINUMERIK CNC controls provide the right solution for every machine concept – from basic CNC standard machines to standardized machine concepts through to modular premium machine concepts.
SINUMERIK 808: The entry-level CNC for basic standard machines
SINUMERIK 808D und SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED controls are panel-based CNCs for the lower performance range. The compact and user-friendly entry-level solution is used for basic turning and milling application.
SINUMERIK 828: The compact CNC for standardized machines
SINUMERIK 828D BASIC, SINUMERIK 828D and SINUMERIK 828D ADVANCED controls  are optimally suited for standardized machines, which are produced in high unit quantities with a lower degree of modularity.
SINUMERIK 840: The open CNC for modular machine concepts
The SINUMERIK 840D sl offers an absolute maximum degree of openness and flexibility. This makes the SINUMERIK 840D sl the optimum CNC for machine tools whose mechanical design must be individually adapted to the requirements of individual users.